Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Weight Loss Wednesday: Eat When You're Hungry

I weighed in at the same weight this week, so I've lost 13 pounds overall and have 27 left to go.

I met my goal of finding someone to watch my kids so I can run. I sent an e-mail out to friends in my apartment complex who are home during the day (all four of them) and everyone was interested in trading kids on a regular basis! So far I've set up only one connection and found out one of them didn't work with my schedule, but at the very least I've got my running time. I may even have a baby-sitter for grocery shopping to boot. I start running on Saturday.

I've decided to write a little something on each of these about things I've learned about weight loss on my other attempts. One of the hardest things to master (for me at least, but for other people as well I'm sure) is to eat when you are hungry. Sounds easy enough, but it's not.

This is actually a two-fold suggestion. Number one: don't eat simply because you are bored, stressed, sad, or because something just sounds yummy. Find another (non-food) way to deal with your unpleasant emotions and store up as much self-control as you can for those tempting times. Also, plan ahead for times when it is socially expected for you to eat (think office birthday party). Be aware of habits you may have fallen into, like eating a bowl of ice cream before bedtime.

Number two: if you are hungry between meals, find a healthy snack to eat. If you allow yourself to get too hungry, you are more likely to overeat when your mealtime comes around. Eating a snack can help carry you over and keep your blood sugar at a more even level throughout the day, which will make you feel better overall. The key word to remember is "healthy." This takes some planning. Wash and cut vegetables so they are ready for you. Carry small packages of dried fruit and nuts in your purse or store them in your desk (or cupboard if you stay at home). Set a basket of fresh fruit on your counter. Make healthy foods easily accessible and you will be more likely to eat them.

My goal for this week is to eat only one treat per day (hey, small steps get you there eventually). Hot chocolate does not count. I really love hot chocolate.

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