Thursday, July 22, 2010

O Butter, where art thou?

I have lots of things I should be posting on my regular blog about my cute little family, but I lack access to pictures to make it interesting. So I figured I would write on this blog instead since my cute little family doesn't generally make appearances here. Now that my explanation is over, on to the big news.

I get on these obsessive kicks from time to time and, to save my relationships from alienation due to excessive chatter about my excitement, I write about them on this blog. My reasoning is that you don't actually have to read this if you don't want to and I can't see your glazed eyed, plastered smile nod. You'll notice the last kick I was on was weight loss. That didn't go very far. This time, I want to be a vegetarian (maybe even vegan someday). I'm hoping it will last a little longer.

There, I've said it. (Or, actually, I wrote it. . .Whatever.) I plan on writing about my adventures in meat detox from time to time. Or maybe I won't put anything else up here for another nine months. Only time will tell.

I am currently living under someone else's roof, so the set date for commencement of my new obsession is August 1, give or take a week. Here's to hoping that I actually follow through and that I actually write about it as well.