Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Things I don't say out loud (installment 1)

I've decided to instigate a new feature on this blog. From time to time I may blog things that for one reason or another I don't ever actually say out loud. This one is inspired by all the people who seem to have recently figured out that other people with children my son's age are pregnant again.

There are myriad reasons why I am not currently pregnant. None of them is your business. Please do not proceed to ask me how many children I "plan" to have or when I think the next one might show up. I find those questions uncomfortable to discuss with someone I have known for less than two months. Thank you.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Finally, an update

I had grand plans of writing little updates throughout my first few days as a vegetarian, but I didn't have internet access here at the new place, so that sort of fell through. It's been maybe two months now without meat (with a couple exceptions) and I don't miss it at all. In fact, I've started giving up other animal products like yogurt and even cheese. I'm not gonna lie though--I really, really miss cheese.

Two parts of being a vegetarian have been tricky. Number 1 is figuring out what to feed my omnivorous family. This is a work in progress. I consider cooking a hobby, so I've actually had fun playing around with this. I would write a cookbook with meaty, vegetarian, and vegan options for the same meal, but I'm really not sure anyone would buy it. Okay, I'm not sure anyone other than my mom would buy it. The husband (who is not a vegetarian) has been much less pleased with the process and is disinclined to have fun with it. He does, however, thank me profusely every time I make him meat he finds particularly tasty.

The number 2 tricky part is eating when I am not at home. I have probably failed just over half the time that I have eaten at some social event or restaurant. I think I just need more practice. I like the sound of that.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

O Butter, where art thou?

I have lots of things I should be posting on my regular blog about my cute little family, but I lack access to pictures to make it interesting. So I figured I would write on this blog instead since my cute little family doesn't generally make appearances here. Now that my explanation is over, on to the big news.

I get on these obsessive kicks from time to time and, to save my relationships from alienation due to excessive chatter about my excitement, I write about them on this blog. My reasoning is that you don't actually have to read this if you don't want to and I can't see your glazed eyed, plastered smile nod. You'll notice the last kick I was on was weight loss. That didn't go very far. This time, I want to be a vegetarian (maybe even vegan someday). I'm hoping it will last a little longer.

There, I've said it. (Or, actually, I wrote it. . .Whatever.) I plan on writing about my adventures in meat detox from time to time. Or maybe I won't put anything else up here for another nine months. Only time will tell.

I am currently living under someone else's roof, so the set date for commencement of my new obsession is August 1, give or take a week. Here's to hoping that I actually follow through and that I actually write about it as well.